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정의와 목적
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목적과 사용처
- 경매: 경매의 주된 목적은 자산을 최고가에 판매하는 것입니다. 경매를 통해 얻은 수익은 일반적으로 자산을 판매한 개인이나 기업에 귀속됩니다.
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부동산 경매
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부동산 경매와 공매의 비교
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- 안정성: 공매가 정부나 공공기관이 주관하기 때문에 거래의 안정성이 더 높다고 할 수 있습니다.
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Hello, I'm allsinfo, which serializes all the useful knowledge in the world. We'll take some time to explain the differences between auctions and public auctions, which are essential for anyone who is interested in real estate. Real estate auctions and public auctions are all a way to acquire real estate, but there are people who don't know and there are risks, so be careful when investing. Then, let's look at the differences between auctions and public auctions prepared by ALLSINFO.
justice and purpose
Auction: A method used by individuals or companies to sell assets. Auctions can be held for a variety of reasons, with the purpose of selling assets at the highest price through an auction. Auctions can include a variety of assets, such as real estate, art, or antiques.
Short sale: a method of selling assets owned or seized by a government or public institution. Short sale is mainly used to deal with seized assets for reasons such as tax, nonpayment of fines, bankruptcy, etc.
Auction: Anyone can participate, and in general, you may need to register in advance and pay a bid deposit to participate in an auction.
Short selling: Generally, any short seller can participate, but sometimes it can only be done if certain conditions are met. For example, some short selling may be restricted to only those in certain industries.
Auction: Auctions are usually held in a public place, where the auctioneer gives a description of the asset and then the participants make a bid. The bidder with the highest price will buy the asset.
Short selling: Short selling is done in a similar way, but mostly through online platforms. Bidders make bids online, and at the end of the bidding period, the bidder with the highest price will purchase the asset.
purpose and use
Auction: The main purpose of an auction is to sell an asset at the highest price. The profits from the auction are usually attributed to the individual or company that sold the asset.
Public sale: The purpose of a public sale is to dispose of assets primarily used for the public good, or to recover unpaid taxes or fines through seized assets. The revenue from the public sale mostly contributes to the finances of the government or public institutions.
a real estate auction
Real estate auctions are a method of purchasing real estate that is forcibly sold due to default, etc., through court-organized procedures.
Price Competitiveness: You have the opportunity to buy a property at a price below the market price.
Transparency: It is conducted under the supervision of the court, ensuring fairness and transparency of the process.
Diversity: Various types of properties are up for auction, so there's a lot of choice.
Uncertainty: Information about the sale may be limited, and actual conditions may differ from expectations.
Competition: For popular sales, competition may be fierce, leading to higher-than-expected prices.
Additional costs: There may be additional costs such as taxes, fees, and maintenance costs after winning the bid.
a public sale
Public sale is a method of selling real estate or seized assets owned by a government or public institution to the public.
Stability: Trading is relatively secure because there are fewer legal issues with the sale, and the government or public institutions are the main players.
Price Benefits: Short selling also has the opportunity to buy properties at a lower price than the market price.
Accessibility: It can be easily engaged through an online platform, and the process can be relatively simple.
Access to Information: Information on short selling may be limited, and it may be difficult to pinpoint the status of the sale.
Competition: There may be competition for popular sales, which could drive up prices.
Limitations for Sale: There may be a limited number or type of sale for sale at public sale.
Comparison of Real Estate Auction and Short Sale
Price: Both methods have the opportunity to buy a property at a lower price than the market price, but auctions are more competitive, which could make the price higher than expected.
Stability: You can say that the transaction is more stable because the public sale is organized by the government or public institutions.
Access to information and transparency: The auction is organized by the court, so there is high transparency in the process, but information about the sale may be limited. There may be restrictions on access to short selling information, but the process is relatively simple and accessible.
I've organized the contents as much as I can, but I don't know if it helped you. I've never done it every time just looking at the sale, but I hope we can all get rich someday. I hope you're always happy and the author was 올스인포. Thank you.