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Hello, I'm AllSinfo, a series of all the useful knowledge in the world. What I prepared today is that there are cases where adults die suddenly, and I'll take some time to introduce the meaning of the sudden death, how to prevent it, and how to deal with it. In particular, the meaning of sudden death is very brief, so I wonder if I should guide you, but there may be people who don't know, so please refer to it and start what AllSinfo has prepared now.
a representative cause
Heart Disease: Heart diseases such as heart attack, arrhythmia, and heart failure are one of the major causes of sudden death in adults. In particular, coronary artery disease and acute arrhythmia syndrome are known to be the main causes of acute heart death.
Brain diseases: Brain diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage and cerebral infarction can also cause sudden death.
Respiratory diseases: Respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are also one of the causes of sudden death in adults.
Vascular diseases: Vascular diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes can also cause sudden death.
Drug Side Effects: Some drugs can cause sudden death due to side effects.
Others: Stress, alcohol consumption, and smoking can also cause sudden death. Because the causes of sudden death in adults are diverse and complicated, it is necessary to diagnose and examine the exact cause of death by a professional. To prevent this, it is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, and to get regular medical checkups.
Pre-occurrence symptoms
Chest pain: When you feel tightness and pain in your chest
Shortness of breath: Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
Dizziness: When dizziness persists
Fainting: When you suddenly fall unconscious
Fatigue: Unusually severe fatigue
Headache: If the headache persists
Vomiting: If you have symptoms of vomiting
However, these symptoms are not always a precursor to sudden death, and they can also appear in other diseases or health conditions.
If you have any prognostic symptoms, it is important to visit the hospital immediately for diagnosis and treatment by an expert.
a precautionary measure
Prevention of sudden death is important, but it is recommended to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, and to receive regular medical checkups. Stress, drinking, and smoking can increase the risk of sudden death, so you need to actively manage them.
Acute alcoholism is also a cause of death that can occur if you drink a lot, but Korea loves alcohol, so please know together.
Initial symptoms: dizziness, speechlessness, poor judgment.
Intermediate symptoms: vomiting, confusion, loss of coordination.
Serious symptoms: shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, seizures.
Consuming a large amount of alcohol within a short period of time is the main cause. In particular, the faster you drink, the greater the risk.
Emergency measures: secure airway by laying the patient on his side, prevent vomiting.
Medical action: Intravenous fluid supply, medication required.
It is important to avoid excessive drinking, drink slowly when drinking, and drink enough water.
Acute alcoholism can be life-threatening, so if you suspect it, you should visit a medical institution immediately.
This is the end of today's preparation. I hope it's helpful and always happy. The author was ALLSINFO.